Thank You's are in order.
I've been nominated for a blog award.
And in this blog world, this is actually very suprising to me. I feel like the geeky kid in the corner of gym that was, suprisingly, asked to dance with the hottest cheerleader in the school. No one saw it coming, especially me.
So, thank you.
OH, by the way, I was asked to dance by Monkey Girl, at Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey Read it. It's good!
Here is what she said:
Rocky Mountain Medic. This is one of the best written blogs out there. He is an incredible writer, and I can literally picture whatever he's writing about. I wish he had time to write more, because I could read it all day. Some of the things that he writes give you goosebumps, some just make you think, some make you laugh. He's multi-purpose.
Below, is an explaination of the award.
"This award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.”
Here are the rules for this one:
1. Copy this post (meaning the rules).
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Put the award icon on your site.
So here are my 5!
1) Random Acts of Reality.
It was this site that got me started. I had never been a big blog reader, but when I read about the life and times of this London-based EMS service, I was hooked. It's amazing that across that large pond of ours that the same type of experiences are occurring with someone else in my same profession. Differenct accent, same ole crap! Check him out here!
2) Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey.
Of course, even though she nominated me, this site is on my list of favorites. She is ABSOLUTELY hillarious. I love the wit and sarcasm and am jealous my tongue is not as sharp. I promise you, once you start reading, you won't stop. Musings of a Highly Trained Monkey
3) A day in the Life on an Ambulance Driver.
This guy is a great writer. It was the Englishman that got me started, it was the Ambulance Driver that kept me going. In the beginning, he supported me and the majority of my links and readers came from him. He tells wonderful stories and is sure to impress. Ambulance Driver
4) Mr. Hassle's Long Underpants.
A doc with his ear to the gorund. Great stories. I love going to his site. Plus, he's from the Rockies. Mr. Hassle's
5) Street Watch: Notes of a Paramedic.
Wanna learn something? And enjoy it? Go to this site. A great mix of personal essays with CE quality lessons. I enjoy reading his posts. He is a very informed and intelligent paramedic. Street Watch
PS: I'm only the second hottest cheerleader in the school. Babs is the hottest. ;-)
Your nomination is well deserved. You are a pleasure to read.